Mediobanca premiata agli Europe Structured Products & Derivatives Awards 2021

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Alphanumeric code which acts as unique identifier of a financial instrument
Fixed rate/floating bond or indexed
Parameters to which interest/coupons are linked
Subordination ranking
Retail or institutional
Refers to the instrument’s currency of denomination
Share, equity index, currency, commodity or any other financial asset on which the value of the bond depends

Alphanumeric code which acts as unique identifier of a financial instrument
Refers to the instrument’s currency of denomination
Date on which the certificate ceases to exist
Internal description of certificate structure
May be total or partial depending on whether the certificate returns at least all or part of the nominal capital invested at expiry to the investor
Minimum percentage share of the issue price returned to the investor at expiry
Share, equity index, currency, commodity or any other financial asset on which the value of the certificate depends

Refers to the instrument’s currency of denomination

Placement obligations